Kabir Chawla's Blog
and write 🖋️ about it

I wrote a research paper
Explore how mobile technology and AI enhance healthcare access for underprivileged communities in South Asia, addressing language barriers and improving medical assistance through innovative app solutions.

What I think about the new React 18 and its features
React 18 introduces concurrent features, automatic batching, and improved server-side rendering. These enhancements boost performance, responsiveness, and developer experience for modern web applications.

New Age Celebrity Developers: Kent C. Dodds
A dive into Kent C. Dodds’s journey in modern web development, focusing on his work with React Testing Library and Remix, and how his contributions emphasize simplicity, developer education, and better user experiences.

The History of Programming Languages: From Assembly to TypeScript
A journey through the history of programming languages, from the low-level days of Assembly to modern languages like TypeScript, and how they shaped the software world.

New Age Celebrity Developers: Shadcn
A dive into the journey of Shadcn, the creator of the unique Shadcn/UI tool, and how his work is making waves by reshaping how developers build interfaces with modular, accessible, and customizable components.

A Quick History of CSS: From Inline to Tailwind
A personal journey through the history of CSS, from the early days of inline styles to the rise of Tailwind CSS, and how it shaped my web development experience.